Cam Taylor

Be inspired. Be focused. Be tenacious.

The Power of a Made-up Mind

He who cherishes a beautiful vision, a lofty ideal in his heart, will one day realize it. — James Allen To achieve a worthwhile dream, there is an essential element needed — a “made-up mind.” In other words, there is power in a made-up mind! One should never underestimate what can happen when we make […]

How 1,090 People Missed Greatness

The value you assign to people, events, and things changes everything. Why does it matter to keep our eyes open to see true value? If we don’t, great moments and opportunities pass us by. I’ve missed opportunities to connect with family, be inspired, discover new insights, build new relationships, because I was tuned out to […]

Three Secrets on How to Turn Intentions into Reality

Statistics say, of those who make resolutions and New Year’s goals, only 8% reach them. You might be saying, “Why bother even setting goals since the chances of reaching them are so abysmal.” Good question. What’s the problem? The problem, in my experience and opinion, is that people see an area they want to change […]

Crooked Timber

“Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was ever made.” — Immanuel Kant This week, I started reading a book a colleague of mine recommended called, “The Road to Character” by David Brooks. It’s a thoughtful look at what the road to character looks like. The idea of being “crooked timber” has […]

Change Quotes to Fuel Your Growth I

If change is my idea, I’m all over it but if change is forced on me by someone else, I resist it like there’s no tomorrow. The truth is — change is the pathway to growth. As you consider the changes you’ve made, are currently making, or would like to make, let these thoughts inspire […]

3 Practical Steps for Finding What’s Worth Looking For

There are two birds with two very different pathways. One bird wakes up in the morning and all it can think about is “where is some dead meat?” The other bird wakes up and all it can think about it “where are those colorful, sweet smelling flowers where I can find some tasty nectar?” The […]

Three Easy Steps to Living on Purpose Today

Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose. — Viktor Frankl There once was a rabbi living in a Russian city many years ago. Disappointed by his lack of direction and life purpose, he wandered out into the chilly evening. With his hands deep into his pockets, he […]

Stop Blaming Your Circumstances

Every once in a while, words hit extremely close to home. The following quote by George Bernard Shaw were such words. When I heard them, I was caught red handed and knew I needed to make a change. I want to tell you the quote and then take you through my thinking process — line […]

The Mountain Man Who Didn’t Quit

To have a dream and a plan to achieve it is not enough. You also need the effort to accomplish that dream. What idea, dream or pursuit are you trying to bring to fruition? Raising a child? Nurturing a business to viability? Developing a talent? Writing a book? Building a healthy relationship? Regaining strength after […]

Flexibility – GIYC part 4

Flexibility is a requirement for survival. ― Roger Von Oech Without flexibility, we can’t digest the tough assignments life sends our way. This quality is one of the eight gritty qualities needed to survive in life (as described by Robert Luckadoo*). The other seven are: diligence, tenacity, optimism, discipline, resilience, confidence, and purpose. The case […]