Cam Taylor

Be inspired. Be focused. Be tenacious.

Two More Keys to Emotional Health After a Loss

Detour is a wealth of information on emotional processing. It gave me lots to digest and consider as I think about, what I would call, my small detours. I have faced many of my own issues positively but found the themes of forgiveness and brokenness especially helpful. Thanks Cam for sharing your work, wisdom, and your […]

What 1,800 Miles Taught One Man About True Happiness

Life is a journey, not a destination. — Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson’s quote in theory sounds so solid. In practice, however, making life about the journey is hard, especially for people who enjoy setting and reaching goals and getting things done! Thankfully, there are people who can inspire us to help keep us on track. […]

How to Maintain Optimism in a Dream Crushing World

An experiment conducted in 1967 resulted in a fascinating discovery. The experiment placed five monkeys in a cage with a bunch of bananas hanging high out of reach. Up against the wall, however, was a ladder could be used to climb up and reach the bananas. It didn’t take long for the monkeys to spot […]

Five Keys to Next Step Living

Feeling overwhelmed by the road ahead? Facing a challenge that is paralyzing your hopefulness and causing you to freeze into inactivity? You’re not alone – and there is hope! It’s called focusing on the next step of getting where you want to go. If you want to achieve your goal, don’t focus on how far […]

Viktor Frankl’s Keys to Happiness

“Happiness cannot be pursued; it must ensue.”* If you go looking for happiness you won’t find it. It’s a by product of the pursuit of something else. Viktor Frankl taught and more importantly lived, in a way that personified the ability to find meaning in life when faced with unimaginable suffering. There were three principles […]

Mining the Gap

There’s a gift we give ourselves and those around us when facing stress, problems or disagreement. The gift is called the gap. The gap is a space created – a moment in time – carved out on the heels of an event that causes a disturbance. If we simply react without thinking to the disturbance, often harm […]

Worth the Risk

To laugh is to risk appearing a fool, To weep is to risk appearing sentimental. To reach out to another is to risk involvement, To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self. To place your ideas and dreams before a crowd is to risk their loss To love is to risk not being […]

The Secret of Oaks and Diamonds

Do you ever wonder if your life is making a difference? Are you busy waiting for something that hasn’t yet come? Are you in a stormy season that keeps you from “feeling” productive and useful? These questions, for me, have been answered many times with a “yes.” To be honest, I’m unwilling to settle for […]

How to Fan Compassion’s Flame

While out riding my mountain bike this week (an exciting new hobby I was cleared to pursue!), I ran into an old friend I got to know while riding my scooter around the neighborhood over the past 3 years. He also rides a scooter. My friend deals on a daily basis with advanced Parkinson’s but […]


You can’t exist as a human being in isolation  Desmond Tutu We in the west have a lot to learn from our African brothers and sisters. One of the strengths of their culture is the value they place on community. In the west, we sometimes put the good of the individual over what’s best for […]