Cam Taylor

Be inspired. Be focused. Be tenacious.

What Are You Not Doing?

You learn to swim by swimming. You learn courage by couraging. — Mary Daly, as quoted by Brene Brown When you learned to ride a bike, you didn’t wait until you could ride a bike to start learning. You jumped in long before you could ride. Then we grow up and some where along the […]

Five Keys to Next Step Living

Feeling overwhelmed by the road ahead? Facing a challenge that is paralyzing your hopefulness and causing you to freeze into inactivity? You’re not alone – and there is hope! It’s called focusing on the next step of getting where you want to go. If you want to achieve your goal, don’t focus on how far […]

Six Proven Ways to Regain Momentum

Momentum is your friend. If you have it, be grateful. If you’ve lost it, be intentional and get it back. No one said regaining momentum was easy but there is a pathway for getting it back. mo•men•tum – noun the strength or force that something has when it is moving the strength or force that […]

Love What You Have

Your concern is not so much to have what you love anymore, but to love what you have – right now. — Richard Rohr Two things have been happening in my life simultaneously. On the one hand, I’ve been embracing the second half of life while on the other hand, going through a prolonged season […]

Turning So-so into Say-so

The right words spoken to ourselves, over a period of time, can have a serious impact on our lives. It’s easy to grow bitter and withdraw from our dreams when we’re handed a lemon to suck on. If we allow those lemons to define us, we end up living a so-so existence. What I’m coming […]

Mining the Gap

There’s a gift we give ourselves and those around us when facing stress, problems or disagreement. The gift is called the gap. The gap is a space created – a moment in time – carved out on the heels of an event that causes a disturbance. If we simply react without thinking to the disturbance, often harm […]

Five Actions to Deal With “If Only”

If “ifs” and “buts” were candy and nuts, we’d all have a Merry Christmas. — Don Meredith If “ifs” and “buts” were pots and pans, there’d surely be dishes to do. Wishing for something in our past to change won’t make one bit of difference. I’m not talking about grieving our losses – there is […]

Worth the Risk

To laugh is to risk appearing a fool, To weep is to risk appearing sentimental. To reach out to another is to risk involvement, To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self. To place your ideas and dreams before a crowd is to risk their loss To love is to risk not being […]

Busting the Greener Grass Syndrome

There’s an old saying that often appears true, “The grass is greener on the other side of the fence.” We fall victim to this limiting belief whenever we start thinking that life would be better if we had what we see others holding in their hands (circumstances, opportunity, possessions, talent, or success). The contrary truth […]

How to Fan Compassion’s Flame

While out riding my mountain bike this week (an exciting new hobby I was cleared to pursue!), I ran into an old friend I got to know while riding my scooter around the neighborhood over the past 3 years. He also rides a scooter. My friend deals on a daily basis with advanced Parkinson’s but […]