Cam Taylor

Be inspired. Be focused. Be tenacious.

Physiotherapy and Expectations

This week I stood in the hall of the Physiotherapy clinic I frequent approximately three times a week and found myself doing a little show and tell.  My Physiotherapist was explaining my situation to a colleague and we were taking a look at the scar on the top of my upper leg. The scar looks […]

5 Ways to Fan the Flame of Positivity

Have you ever found yourself surrounded by negativity wondering, “How in the world do I stay positive when it seems like everyone around me is so negative?” Thankfully, there are some specific actions you can take to fan the flame of a positive attitude and influence those around you caught up in negativity. 5 Simple […]

It Would Have Been Enough

Some days I find myself wanting things to be just a little bit different. Does that ever happen to you? I’m not talking about the drive to improve and learn something new. I’m talking about the undercurrent of discontent that steals your joy and keeps your mind and heart from true gratitude. 1000 years ago […]

0% Chance

When is the last time you have heard the words “You have 0% chance of [insert the descriptive words for what you won’t be able to do]!”? Someone used those words on me just the other day. When someone uses the words “0% chance”, what are they saying? They could be imposing their low expectations […]

A Tale of One Unlucky Butterfly

When a bad wind storm hits the west coast of BC, it’s not unusual to see a tree uprooted with roots no more than a couple of feet in depth.  The growth comes so easily due to plenty of rainfall. In Saskatchewan, the opposite is true.  The winds blow hard and long combined with stretches […]

The Great Control Hoax

You may think it’s true but it isn’t.  The last two lines of the poem Invictus by William Ernest Henley puts it this way: I am the master of my fate/ I am the captain of my soul. These words couldn’t be further from the truth. On one level, we do have control.  We do […]

Setbacks as a Secret Weapon

Failure can become a spring board for success.  In a recent study, it was discovered that setbacks can be the secret weapon that creates a breakthrough moment in our lives (Rick Newman, U.S. News & World Report). Our accident was one such serious setback. It was a failed attempt at driving a motorcycle down the […]

A Glimpse at New Normal

This week I saw from a distance my new normal and I was not impressed! Maybe it has happened to you. You look into the future and are shocked by what you see coming. The moment I saw this new normal was during my latest hospital visit. This visit was for surgery number eight where […]

The Pathway to Now

Two things happen to keep us from living in the now.  The past and the future. What we do with these two threats to living in the now will determine the quality of our life. Why is living in the now so important? Because “now” is what’s real and where life happens! Because anywhere else […]

Avoid Becoming Passion’s Slave

One quality admired in people is a sense of self-mastery – the ability to withstand the emotional storms that blow into our lives.  The contrast to self-mastery in the words of Hamlet is becoming “passion’s slave.”  If our passions run our lives, we are taken out of the driver’s seat and left to blow any […]