Cam Taylor

Be inspired. Be focused. Be tenacious.

Chasing Yesterday

Have you ever tried to recreate yesterday? Long for what you had or almost had? Obsessing over yesterday can mess up your life. I know this from experience. The question I’m asking is, “How should you think about yesterday so you can be fully alive today?” The answer lies in the application to these words: […]

Accepting Hardships as the Pathway to Peace

The above title is a line in the full length Serenity Prayer. On first glance, you shake your head and say, “How can this be?” But as you dig deeper, you begin to see how true this can be and the hope buried in these words. God grant me the serenity to accept the things […]


Waiting  n. – remaining inactive in one place while expecting something. It hit me this week – I’ve done SO MUCH waiting! And I’m not sure I like it! Waiting for a train to go or a bus to come, or a plane to go or the mail to come, or the rain to go […]

Saving Harry – Living Free

On February 24, 1948, one of the most unusual operations in medical history took place in Ohio State University at the department of surgery research. A stony sheath was removed from around the heart of 30 year old Harry Besharra. As a boy, he was shot accidentally by a friend with a .22 rifle and […]


In 1904, the cleaning agent VIM first appeared on the scene. 109 years later it’s still a leading cleanser of choice because it works! VIM lives up to its name – coming from the Latin word vis or vim meaning “force” or “vigor.” VIM transforms a mess into a place of beauty! Life can get […]

The Slinky Principle

The slinky first came out in 1945. I received my first one several years after that and remember coaxing it down the stairs until it eventually started to move on its own. I watched in amazement as the shiny coiled spring moved effortlessly down the stairs without my help. Imagine the slinky as a metaphor […]

The Beauty of Healed Brokenness

The Japanese have an ancient craft known as kintsugi. It can be best understood this way: If a piece of valuable china is dropped and breaks, instead of throwing it away or repairing it perfectly, the kintsugi craftspeople use lacquer containing gold to piece it back together.  The scars and cracks of the china are […]

Five Insights on “Why Remember?”

Why do we celebrate anniversaries? Why do we pause on days of the year when difficult things have happened in years gone by? Is there value in remembering those traumatic, life changing events? Remembering the death of a loved one, the day the house burned down, the day those soldiers died, or the day the […]

Transition: Friend or Foe?

Every new milestone brings with it a new challenge we must face. Does that sound like a contradiction? Aren’t milestones simply an opportunity to celebrate progress and growth? Yes and no. Yes – milestones reached are a reason to celebrate! Take this week in my life. I reached a milestone: I started driving after 710 […]

Surgery is a Team Sport

Last week I received news of the strong likelihood of another surgery – surgery number nine. What I thought would be day surgery to release my knee so it will bend past 90 degrees was inaccurate. The release my surgeon will perform is a complicated procedure involving re-entry into my rebuilt leg and pulling apart […]