Cam Taylor

Be inspired. Be focused. Be tenacious.

Five Ways to Deal Doggedly With Worry

wor·ry   [wur-ee, wuhr-ee] To feel uneasy or concerned about something; be troubled. To disturb the peace of mind of. To proceed doggedly in the face of difficulty or hardship; struggle. To seize with the teeth and shake or tug at repeatedly. If you’re like me, I was surprised by definition 3 and 4. In my mind, […]

Beliefs to Inspire Your Dance

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Wayne Dyer Any time you are faced with challenging circumstances you have a choice to make. You can hold up the white flag and crawl under the covers in retreat or get out of bed, find a place on the […]

Your Personal Growth Plan

What is your personal growth plan?  Does it happen haphazardly or by design?  I’ve been asking myself this question lately because even though there is a lot about my life I can`t change or control, this area I can do something about. I’m not sure who said it but it’s so true… When you’re through […]

Hold Fast to Your Dreams

One of my favorite poems is written by The Harlem Poet, Lanston Hughes: Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams go, life is a frozen field covered with snow. On this, the first day of my 53rd year, […]

Appreciation – a Habit Worth Forming

People may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel (Carl W. Buechner).  Never underestimate the power of a few well chosen words of appreciation in the lives of those people who cross your path. Appreciation not only encourages and brings out the best in others, it increases our […]

Metaphors to Keep You in Flight

Metaphors are like an old friend.  They are easy to be around plus they help transport us from the familiar surroundings of our current world to the unfamiliar reality of a new world.  In that new world are buried untapped resources awaiting discovery. Practically, metaphors tap into right brain activity – the emotional and experiential […]

The Power of Choice

Between stimulus and response is a space. In this space lies our freedom to choose our response. In these choices lie our growth and our happiness (Stephen Covey). Making choices is a huge part of everyday life. Thankfully about 40% of our decisions are habits (according to a Duke University study) and are made without […]

Moving from “Why?” to “What Now?”

Have you ever asked “Why” when bad things happen?  I’m sure most of us have but for sake of argument, how much practical good does it do us to ask why?  Do you feel better? Do you resolve issues?  Do you get unstuck and start to move forward?  Not likely. A better question that moves […]

When Your Ship Breaks Apart – What Then?

When travel plans for your life are altered or interrupted and your new destination changes or is uncertain, what do you do? How do you live with the tension of having a new destination that’s way off in the distance yet knowing that if you just sit and wait for it, you’ll go stir crazy? […]

When Sidelined: Do You see Mud or Stars?

“Two men looked through prison bars, One saw mud, one saw stars” (Oscar Wilde). What do you do when you feel like your circumstances have created a prison like atmosphere in your life? At 23 weeks into my recovery, I looked at my situation and even though physically I was coping with the pain and […]