Cam Taylor

Be inspired. Be focused. Be tenacious.

Avoid Becoming Passion’s Slave

One quality admired in people is a sense of self-mastery – the ability to withstand the emotional storms that blow into our lives.  The contrast to self-mastery in the words of Hamlet is becoming “passion’s slave.”  If our passions run our lives, we are taken out of the driver’s seat and left to blow any […]

Hold Fast to Your Dreams

One of my favorite poems is written by The Harlem Poet, Lanston Hughes: Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams go, life is a frozen field covered with snow. On this, the first day of my 53rd year, […]

Metaphors to Keep You in Flight

Metaphors are like an old friend.  They are easy to be around plus they help transport us from the familiar surroundings of our current world to the unfamiliar reality of a new world.  In that new world are buried untapped resources awaiting discovery. Practically, metaphors tap into right brain activity – the emotional and experiential […]

Setting Your Clock to the Right Time

The ancient Greeks had two words for time – one was chronos and the other was kairos.  The quality of your life will be greatly enhanced if you can determine what time it is and then set your clock accordingly! Chronos time is: Measured Raced against A number of days Represented by a stop watch […]

Endurance – running to finish

en·dur·ance   n The power to withstand hardship or stress The state or fact of persevering Continuing existence When you’re in the middle of adversity or your personal marathon, I don’t care who you are, you’re in denial if at some point you don’t have to tap into some strength and staying power in order to […]

The Fellowship of SuffeRING

The journey of pain and suffering is a lot like the journey Frodo was asked to take in the classic work written by J.R. Tolkien entitled The Lord of the Rings.  In that series of books and award winning movies, Frodo was given the burden and responsibility of carrying the ring over treacherous terrain to […]

Two Contrasting Rivers Meet

There is an amazing sight you see when you drive through Lytton, BC at the point where the muddy Fraser River meets the clean Thompson River.  When this happens it is called “confluence” which means “a flowing together”. Let’s use this picture to describe two contrasting parts of life that often touch – the muddy […]

Moving from “Why?” to “What Now?”

Have you ever asked “Why” when bad things happen?  I’m sure most of us have but for sake of argument, how much practical good does it do us to ask why?  Do you feel better? Do you resolve issues?  Do you get unstuck and start to move forward?  Not likely. A better question that moves […]

Hidden Blessings

How would you define “blessings”?  The dictionary defines “blessing” as: the act or words of a person who blesses a special favor, mercy, or benefit a gift bestowed by God that brings happiness the invoking of God’s favor upon a person a prayer said before a meal Generally, blessings are thought of by most as […]

Do You Have True Hope or Just a Wish?

If you look up “hope” in the dictionary you will discover two parts to the definition: a)    “desire or expectation” for something in the future to occur; and b)    “grounds for believing” something in the future will occur. You run into trouble when you have one without the other. When you have “desire without any grounds” you […]