Cam Taylor

Be inspired. Be focused. Be tenacious.

How Likeable Are You?

Likeable people, receive better care from doctors and nurses, are happier, have higher quality relationships, and are more likely to succeed in their personal and professional lives.  I’ve not only seen this in action but have read the research to back it up. The other news is likeability is something you can improve on with […]

Moving from “Why?” to “What Now?”

Have you ever asked “Why” when bad things happen?  I’m sure most of us have but for sake of argument, how much practical good does it do us to ask why?  Do you feel better? Do you resolve issues?  Do you get unstuck and start to move forward?  Not likely. A better question that moves […]

Hidden Blessings

How would you define “blessings”?  The dictionary defines “blessing” as: the act or words of a person who blesses a special favor, mercy, or benefit a gift bestowed by God that brings happiness the invoking of God’s favor upon a person a prayer said before a meal Generally, blessings are thought of by most as […]

The Emotions of Change

To live is to experience change. When we choose to change, it usually goes smoothly emotionally.  When change is thrust upon us and turns our lives upside down it can result in an emotional ride that is filled with a mixed bag of emotions. Many years ago, some wise people who watched this change journey […]

Emotional Self-Awareness

He who knows the universe and does not know himself knows nothing. Jean De La Fontaine Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Tao Te Ching Your ability to “hope for the best and dance with the rest” becomes more likely when you take the time and trouble to know yourself emotionally. The […]

How to Live with Realistic Expectations

Expectations can be our friend but unfortunately they can also be our worst nightmare. The challenge is to dance with expectations so they remain reasonably realistic yet filled with promise. How exactly do you do that? The two ditches you fall into: 1)    No expectations. Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be […]

Do You Have True Hope or Just a Wish?

If you look up “hope” in the dictionary you will discover two parts to the definition: a)    “desire or expectation” for something in the future to occur; and b)    “grounds for believing” something in the future will occur. You run into trouble when you have one without the other. When you have “desire without any grounds” you […]

When Your Ship Breaks Apart – What Then?

When travel plans for your life are altered or interrupted and your new destination changes or is uncertain, what do you do? How do you live with the tension of having a new destination that’s way off in the distance yet knowing that if you just sit and wait for it, you’ll go stir crazy? […]

What is Good Grief?

“Good grief” sounds like an oxymoron – two contrasting ideas that don’t seem to fit together. But when we look deeper, grief is a process we enter into when we experience a loss in our lives so it makes sense to make it as “good” or “beneficial” as possible. Grief is: “keen mental suffering or […]

Anywhere but Here

The other day I saw a hitchhiker with the sign “Anywhere but Here!” I couldn’t help but thinking, “What or who are they running away from?”  To want to be “Anywhere but Here” has certainly crossed my mind during this season of suffering and recovery!  It’s like the person who decides, “The grass is greener […]