Cam Taylor

Be inspired. Be focused. Be tenacious.

Saving Harry – Living Free

On February 24, 1948, one of the most unusual operations in medical history took place in Ohio State University at the department of surgery research. A stony sheath was removed from around the heart of 30 year old Harry Besharra. As a boy, he was shot accidentally by a friend with a .22 rifle and […]


In 1904, the cleaning agent VIM first appeared on the scene. 109 years later it’s still a leading cleanser of choice because it works! VIM lives up to its name – coming from the Latin word vis or vim meaning “force” or “vigor.” VIM transforms a mess into a place of beauty! Life can get […]

The Beauty of Healed Brokenness

The Japanese have an ancient craft known as kintsugi. It can be best understood this way: If a piece of valuable china is dropped and breaks, instead of throwing it away or repairing it perfectly, the kintsugi craftspeople use lacquer containing gold to piece it back together.  The scars and cracks of the china are […]

A Powerful Key to Healing

Built into your being is a physical mechanism intended to bring relief and inner healing. This mechanism scares a lot of people and is often avoided like the plague. The mechanism is those tears that flow from deep within. Tears have been my friend during this recovery journey. At critical points along the way I […]

Five Insights on “Why Remember?”

Why do we celebrate anniversaries? Why do we pause on days of the year when difficult things have happened in years gone by? Is there value in remembering those traumatic, life changing events? Remembering the death of a loved one, the day the house burned down, the day those soldiers died, or the day the […]

What You Can’t Live Without

Man can live 40 days without food, three days without water, eight minutes without air, but only one second without hope. (Author unknown) The answers to three critical questions makes plain the purpose hope plays in our lives. The three questions are: What exactly is it you can’t live without? What are the warning signs […]

14 Roots and Principles to Live By

Victor Hugo once said, “Change your opinions, keep to your principles; change your leaves, keep intact your roots.” Living by principles instead of running around looking for the perfect methods gets you where you want to go. When the helicopter carried us away to Royal Columbian Hospital, my principles were firmly in place. As I […]

Surgery is a Team Sport

Last week I received news of the strong likelihood of another surgery – surgery number nine. What I thought would be day surgery to release my knee so it will bend past 90 degrees was inaccurate. The release my surgeon will perform is a complicated procedure involving re-entry into my rebuilt leg and pulling apart […]

Physiotherapy and Expectations

This week I stood in the hall of the Physiotherapy clinic I frequent approximately three times a week and found myself doing a little show and tell.  My Physiotherapist was explaining my situation to a colleague and we were taking a look at the scar on the top of my upper leg. The scar looks […]

5 Ways to Fan the Flame of Positivity

Have you ever found yourself surrounded by negativity wondering, “How in the world do I stay positive when it seems like everyone around me is so negative?” Thankfully, there are some specific actions you can take to fan the flame of a positive attitude and influence those around you caught up in negativity. 5 Simple […]