Cam Taylor

Be inspired. Be focused. Be tenacious.

The Great Control Hoax

You may think it’s true but it isn’t.  The last two lines of the poem Invictus by William Ernest Henley puts it this way: I am the master of my fate/ I am the captain of my soul. These words couldn’t be further from the truth. On one level, we do have control.  We do […]

The Mark Twain School of Motivation

What gets you up in the morning and keeps you going? How do you stay motivated to do the things that matter even when you don’t feel like it? What motivates you to stay engaged when the pressures on to slow down to a crawl? motivation – n [moh-tuh–vey-shuhn] desire to do interest or drive […]

Warning: 50 Wolves Are Waiting!

When you stand on the shore of the ocean, you learn quickly of its abundance. There is always another wave. An attitude of abundance is like the ocean. It’s a belief that says, “There will always be enough for everyone!” In life we see circumstances and events in two different ways. As a glass half […]

Curiosity – Your Key To Growing Through Adversity

Your intelligence alone will not determine how well you handle the problems of life. Those who soar with hope compared to those who sink into despair when problems come have another trait. The answer is found in the words of Einstein. I am not more gifted than the average human being. If you know anything […]

From a Mother’s Perspective

Note: This is a guest post written by my mom Joan Taylor. She is one of my biggest fans and has been a great source of support and encouragement throughout this journey of injury and recovery. She is retired and lives in Courtice, Ontario with my dad. —————————————————————————————— It was 10:30 PM, the night before […]

Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude

Your attitude does determines your altitude! Regardless of what you’re going through, your attitude can make or break the outcome of your journey. The saying “your attitude determines your altitude” comes from the world of aviation. The attitude indicator is a gauge on an airplane used to tell the pilot the orientation of the aircraft […]

A Glimpse at New Normal

This week I saw from a distance my new normal and I was not impressed! Maybe it has happened to you. You look into the future and are shocked by what you see coming. The moment I saw this new normal was during my latest hospital visit. This visit was for surgery number eight where […]

Beliefs to Inspire Your Dance

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Wayne Dyer Any time you are faced with challenging circumstances you have a choice to make. You can hold up the white flag and crawl under the covers in retreat or get out of bed, find a place on the […]

Hold Fast to Your Dreams

One of my favorite poems is written by The Harlem Poet, Lanston Hughes: Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams go, life is a frozen field covered with snow. On this, the first day of my 53rd year, […]

Appreciation – a Habit Worth Forming

People may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel (Carl W. Buechner).  Never underestimate the power of a few well chosen words of appreciation in the lives of those people who cross your path. Appreciation not only encourages and brings out the best in others, it increases our […]