Cam Taylor

Be inspired. Be focused. Be tenacious.

The Slinky Principle

The slinky first came out in 1945. I received my first one several years after that and remember coaxing it down the stairs until it eventually started to move on its own. I watched in amazement as the shiny coiled spring moved effortlessly down the stairs without my help. Imagine the slinky as a metaphor […]

The Power of Positive Impact

Impact is defined as – “the effect or impression of one thing on another.” What impression have you made on others? What impression or effect have others had in your life? The possibilities for making a positive impact are endless! Since our accident over two years ago (the impact of which is still being felt), […]

The Key to Living Life NOW

Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering. — Ida Scott Taylor Some things in life are best left in the […]

Five Insights on “Why Remember?”

Why do we celebrate anniversaries? Why do we pause on days of the year when difficult things have happened in years gone by? Is there value in remembering those traumatic, life changing events? Remembering the death of a loved one, the day the house burned down, the day those soldiers died, or the day the […]

Transition: Friend or Foe?

Every new milestone brings with it a new challenge we must face. Does that sound like a contradiction? Aren’t milestones simply an opportunity to celebrate progress and growth? Yes and no. Yes – milestones reached are a reason to celebrate! Take this week in my life. I reached a milestone: I started driving after 710 […]

What You Can’t Live Without

Man can live 40 days without food, three days without water, eight minutes without air, but only one second without hope. (Author unknown) The answers to three critical questions makes plain the purpose hope plays in our lives. The three questions are: What exactly is it you can’t live without? What are the warning signs […]


There is a battle that rages whenever we try to do something great – something significant – something to move us forward – something beyond what seems possible – something noteworthy. When the goal is progress the battle will be with Resistance. The “R” word came to mind today because I’m in the middle of […]

Physiotherapy and Expectations

This week I stood in the hall of the Physiotherapy clinic I frequent approximately three times a week and found myself doing a little show and tell.  My Physiotherapist was explaining my situation to a colleague and we were taking a look at the scar on the top of my upper leg. The scar looks […]

It Would Have Been Enough

Some days I find myself wanting things to be just a little bit different. Does that ever happen to you? I’m not talking about the drive to improve and learn something new. I’m talking about the undercurrent of discontent that steals your joy and keeps your mind and heart from true gratitude. 1000 years ago […]

0% Chance

When is the last time you have heard the words “You have 0% chance of [insert the descriptive words for what you won’t be able to do]!”? Someone used those words on me just the other day. When someone uses the words “0% chance”, what are they saying? They could be imposing their low expectations […]