Cam Taylor

Be inspired. Be focused. Be tenacious.

Deadly Distractions and Sea Turtles

While on the Big Island of Hawaii [which explains why you haven’t seen a blog post for a while], we came across a bale of Green Sea Turtles hovering on the ocean’s edge. Seeing these turtles, I was reminded of the dangerous journey new born turtles face when starting out in life. The cycle of […]

Accepting Hardships as the Pathway to Peace

The above title is a line in the full length Serenity Prayer. On first glance, you shake your head and say, “How can this be?” But as you dig deeper, you begin to see how true this can be and the hope buried in these words. God grant me the serenity to accept the things […]

The Power of Talking to Yourself

There’s a difference between talking to yourself and listening to yourself. It’s the difference between anxiety and confusion compared to perspective and traction. You’re not crazy if you talk to yourself. It’s a practice many people find helpful – including me. It helps me see more clearly what’s really going on. When listening to yourself […]

Saving Harry – Living Free

On February 24, 1948, one of the most unusual operations in medical history took place in Ohio State University at the department of surgery research. A stony sheath was removed from around the heart of 30 year old Harry Besharra. As a boy, he was shot accidentally by a friend with a .22 rifle and […]


In 1904, the cleaning agent VIM first appeared on the scene. 109 years later it’s still a leading cleanser of choice because it works! VIM lives up to its name – coming from the Latin word vis or vim meaning “force” or “vigor.” VIM transforms a mess into a place of beauty! Life can get […]

The Beauty of Healed Brokenness

The Japanese have an ancient craft known as kintsugi. It can be best understood this way: If a piece of valuable china is dropped and breaks, instead of throwing it away or repairing it perfectly, the kintsugi craftspeople use lacquer containing gold to piece it back together.  The scars and cracks of the china are […]

How to Get Unstuck

This week I got stuck. I don’t enjoy getting stuck but it seems like getting stuck (from time to time) is as sure as the sun will come up in the morning. I’ll get into why I think I got stuck but before I do, let’s dig a little deeper (pun intended) into this subject. […]

A Powerful Key to Healing

Built into your being is a physical mechanism intended to bring relief and inner healing. This mechanism scares a lot of people and is often avoided like the plague. The mechanism is those tears that flow from deep within. Tears have been my friend during this recovery journey. At critical points along the way I […]

Five Insights on “Why Remember?”

Why do we celebrate anniversaries? Why do we pause on days of the year when difficult things have happened in years gone by? Is there value in remembering those traumatic, life changing events? Remembering the death of a loved one, the day the house burned down, the day those soldiers died, or the day the […]

A Physics Lesson to Change Your Life

One thing I’ve come to appreciate is the power of outside people and energy who keep me going and growing. Whether you’re in recovery or simply trying to keep from going backwards in life, outsiders are essential for growth. The second law of thermodynamics says: “Everything in the universe is running down, running out of […]