Cam Taylor

Be inspired. Be focused. Be tenacious.

The Secret to Keep Your Work Working

This week I read a story of a boy who showed some qualities I want to have in my life. The story goes like this:  A boy was leaning against the wall outside a barber shop. He dialled his phone and began speaking to a lady on the other end. The barber was listening in. […]

Physiotherapy and Expectations

This week I stood in the hall of the Physiotherapy clinic I frequent approximately three times a week and found myself doing a little show and tell.  My Physiotherapist was explaining my situation to a colleague and we were taking a look at the scar on the top of my upper leg. The scar looks […]

The Lincoln School of Adversity

Abraham Lincoln stands head and shoulders above the crowd as an example of someone who endured in the face of adversity. The movie “Lincoln” was a great reminder of his struggle and triumph as he faced incredible odds. There are three qualities I admire as I think about the life he lived and the legacy […]

The Blade Runner’s Inside World

This week we heard the tragic news of murder charges laid against Oscar Pistorius, famously known as the “Blade Runner” from South Africa.  He runs on two prosthetic limbs and competed in the 2012 London Olympics and Paralympics. I refer to him not because I’m declaring him guilty (the courts need to make that decision […]

Finishing Well

It’s not how you start that really matters but how you finish.  You obviously can’t finish what you haven’t started but in terms of easier, starting wins. Anyone can start a race, a project, a relationship, an education, the pursuit of a dream – but it takes character and tenacity to finish! One of the […]

Standing Alone Together

There are two key ingredients in life’s recipe you need to survive and thrive during times of adversity. Internal strength of character and a band of brothers and sisters standing with you. The story is told of the first paratroopers in the US Army called Easy Company. One of their regular training drills was to […]

Pushed or Pulled: Which One Are You?

Are you pushed by a drivenness to work and excel and get things done?  Or are you pulled by a desire to live from a place of value and deeper meaning?  I was asked that question the other day as I spent some time reflecting with one of my pillar people (a counsellor) during this […]

The Real Truth About “Busy”

What do you believe about being busy?  When you’re busy, does that mean you’re productive? When you’re busy, do you assume you’re getting important things done?  When you’re busy, do you feel alive?  What has happened to create this epidemic of “busy”?  Maybe one reason for so much “busy” is the multitude of options. 250,000 […]

Taking the Risk to Blossom

And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight in the bud became greater than the risk it took to blossom (Anais Nin). Not all risk is created equal. What may appear like a safe decision or action may actually be the greater risk. How do you tell the difference between playing […]

Looking Back on 2012

One of the rituals when closing out one year and preparing for the next is to reflect on the year that was. This blog which I started in June, has become a place where I’ve been able to share what I’ve been learning during my time of healing and recovery. As I look back on […]