Cam Taylor

Be inspired. Be focused. Be tenacious.

The 2 Kinds of People

People who spread hope in the world are a breath of fresh air. Equally inspiring are those people who dance with adversity and dig for diamonds buried in the mount of dirt unloaded outside their front door. Ella Wheeler Wilcox in her poem Two Kinds of People paints a picture of the two kinds of […]

From a Mother’s Perspective

Note: This is a guest post written by my mom Joan Taylor. She is one of my biggest fans and has been a great source of support and encouragement throughout this journey of injury and recovery. She is retired and lives in Courtice, Ontario with my dad. —————————————————————————————— It was 10:30 PM, the night before […]

The Pathway to Now

Two things happen to keep us from living in the now.  The past and the future. What we do with these two threats to living in the now will determine the quality of our life. Why is living in the now so important? Because “now” is what’s real and where life happens! Because anywhere else […]

Avoid Becoming Passion’s Slave

One quality admired in people is a sense of self-mastery – the ability to withstand the emotional storms that blow into our lives.  The contrast to self-mastery in the words of Hamlet is becoming “passion’s slave.”  If our passions run our lives, we are taken out of the driver’s seat and left to blow any […]

Appreciation – a Habit Worth Forming

People may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel (Carl W. Buechner).  Never underestimate the power of a few well chosen words of appreciation in the lives of those people who cross your path. Appreciation not only encourages and brings out the best in others, it increases our […]

The Land Between

An old saying to help you think about making the best of a less than ideal situation is: “Whatever your lot is life is, build something on it!” Another phrase I’ve learned to use is “I’m living in the land between.”  I first heard the phrase in a book written by Jeff Manion and at […]

Moving from “Why?” to “What Now?”

Have you ever asked “Why” when bad things happen?  I’m sure most of us have but for sake of argument, how much practical good does it do us to ask why?  Do you feel better? Do you resolve issues?  Do you get unstuck and start to move forward?  Not likely. A better question that moves […]

Forgiveness – Why Bother?

One place I had to go in my journey of healing and recovery was back to the scene of our accident. I’ve been back there emotionally and eventually will go back physically when my mobility allows it. Our brokenness and hurt was the result of driver error – the inattentiveness of one person who ran […]

The Face of Change

“People change when they hurt enough that they have to, learn enough that they want to, or receive enough that they are able to.” John Maxwell People change for a variety of reasons. Sometimes the face of change looks stressed (“My body will never be the same again!”) while other times the face of change […]

Welcome to my Blog!

Welcome to my blog! I am glad you have found your way here! I am writing this blog because I want to help people see the opportunity that is sometimes buried deep within adversity. Life got extremely hard for me the day a Chevy Cavalier pulled out in front of my wife and I as […]