Cam Taylor

Be inspired. Be focused. Be tenacious.

Appreciation – a Habit Worth Forming

People may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel (Carl W. Buechner).  Never underestimate the power of a few well chosen words of appreciation in the lives of those people who cross your path. Appreciation not only encourages and brings out the best in others, it increases our […]

The Power of Choice

Between stimulus and response is a space. In this space lies our freedom to choose our response. In these choices lie our growth and our happiness (Stephen Covey). Making choices is a huge part of everyday life. Thankfully about 40% of our decisions are habits (according to a Duke University study) and are made without […]

How Likeable Are You?

Likeable people, receive better care from doctors and nurses, are happier, have higher quality relationships, and are more likely to succeed in their personal and professional lives.  I’ve not only seen this in action but have read the research to back it up. The other news is likeability is something you can improve on with […]

Moving from “Why?” to “What Now?”

Have you ever asked “Why” when bad things happen?  I’m sure most of us have but for sake of argument, how much practical good does it do us to ask why?  Do you feel better? Do you resolve issues?  Do you get unstuck and start to move forward?  Not likely. A better question that moves […]

Journaling – Benefiting Recovery and Life

One practice useful for processing life’s experiences of trauma, pain and adversity is journaling.  Truth be told, it`s been a practice of mine for years and has only grow more valuable during this season of adversity and recovery. Journaling can take on many different forms (be it paper or electronic) and be used for a […]

The Emotions of Change

To live is to experience change. When we choose to change, it usually goes smoothly emotionally.  When change is thrust upon us and turns our lives upside down it can result in an emotional ride that is filled with a mixed bag of emotions. Many years ago, some wise people who watched this change journey […]

Emotional Self-Awareness

He who knows the universe and does not know himself knows nothing. Jean De La Fontaine Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Tao Te Ching Your ability to “hope for the best and dance with the rest” becomes more likely when you take the time and trouble to know yourself emotionally. The […]

How Prepared Are You for a Storm?

People have asked, “How do I prepare for the adversity I know will come into my life? It`s going well right now, but I know it won’t always be smooth sailing.” To answer that, let’s look at two explorers who treated preparation quite differently and with shocking results. Amundsen busy planning In October of 1911, […]

The Face of Change

“People change when they hurt enough that they have to, learn enough that they want to, or receive enough that they are able to.” John Maxwell People change for a variety of reasons. Sometimes the face of change looks stressed (“My body will never be the same again!”) while other times the face of change […]