Cam Taylor

Be inspired. Be focused. Be tenacious.

When Your Ship Breaks Apart – What Then?

When travel plans for your life are altered or interrupted and your new destination changes or is uncertain, what do you do? How do you live with the tension of having a new destination that’s way off in the distance yet knowing that if you just sit and wait for it, you’ll go stir crazy? […]

What is Good Grief?

“Good grief” sounds like an oxymoron – two contrasting ideas that don’t seem to fit together. But when we look deeper, grief is a process we enter into when we experience a loss in our lives so it makes sense to make it as “good” or “beneficial” as possible. Grief is: “keen mental suffering or […]

Anywhere but Here

The other day I saw a hitchhiker with the sign “Anywhere but Here!” I couldn’t help but thinking, “What or who are they running away from?”  To want to be “Anywhere but Here” has certainly crossed my mind during this season of suffering and recovery!  It’s like the person who decides, “The grass is greener […]

Things Are Not Always as They Appear

When trouble rocks our world, our first response is often disappointment, anger and frustration. We might even feel like God is cursing or punishing us for some reason.  The thought often farthest from our mind is to say a prayer of thanks for this blessing! In life, things are not always as they appear.  The […]

The Pathway from Brokenness to Healing

Healing is not quick or easy. It involves facing brokenness head on and pressing through the stiffness and soreness of body and spirit to find a new place of wholeness. Where does brokenness come from?  There are three sources: Your own stupidity Good work you’ve done The mistakes or evil of another We all know what […]

When Sidelined: Do You see Mud or Stars?

“Two men looked through prison bars, One saw mud, one saw stars” (Oscar Wilde). What do you do when you feel like your circumstances have created a prison like atmosphere in your life? At 23 weeks into my recovery, I looked at my situation and even though physically I was coping with the pain and […]

How Prepared Are You for a Storm?

People have asked, “How do I prepare for the adversity I know will come into my life? It`s going well right now, but I know it won’t always be smooth sailing.” To answer that, let’s look at two explorers who treated preparation quite differently and with shocking results. Amundsen busy planning In October of 1911, […]

The Thermostat that Turns Up the Heat On Change

When it comes to change, no one motivates you to change (long term) except you. Your mother can’t, your spouse can’t, your doctor can’t, your boss can’t, not even your coach or therapist can.  There are however influencers that can increase urgency for change.  Those influencers are like a thermostat that triggers a change in […]

The Face of Change

“People change when they hurt enough that they have to, learn enough that they want to, or receive enough that they are able to.” John Maxwell People change for a variety of reasons. Sometimes the face of change looks stressed (“My body will never be the same again!”) while other times the face of change […]

How Embracing Adversity Changes Everything

When you are faced with adversity and trouble, what is your response?  Dance around it? Dance through it & fast? Dance with it?  How you choose to dance, changes everything! When I woke up two days after my motorcycle accident I was a mess.  My bones were broken, my body was bruised and I was […]