Cam Taylor

Be inspired. Be focused. Be tenacious.

A Physics Lesson to Change Your Life

One thing I’ve come to appreciate is the power of outside people and energy who keep me going and growing. Whether you’re in recovery or simply trying to keep from going backwards in life, outsiders are essential for growth. The second law of thermodynamics says: “Everything in the universe is running down, running out of […]

Getting the World to Dance

One of the kids making quite a splash online is Robbie – more commonly known as “Kid President.” What I like about Robbie is his upbeat attitude in spite the challenges he faces.  Robbie has Osteogensis Imperfecta, or Brittle Bone disease which means his bones break very easily. He has had 70 breaks so far […]

The Magic of the Big Picture

There are days when it’s easy to lose sight of the big picture. Days when you wonder “What on earth am I doing here? Why are my life and circumstances so difficult? When will the struggle and hard work end?” Having the big picture in your mind helps keep you going. Take Michelangelo for example. […]

Transition: Friend or Foe?

Every new milestone brings with it a new challenge we must face. Does that sound like a contradiction? Aren’t milestones simply an opportunity to celebrate progress and growth? Yes and no. Yes – milestones reached are a reason to celebrate! Take this week in my life. I reached a milestone: I started driving after 710 […]

What You Can’t Live Without

Man can live 40 days without food, three days without water, eight minutes without air, but only one second without hope. (Author unknown) The answers to three critical questions makes plain the purpose hope plays in our lives. The three questions are: What exactly is it you can’t live without? What are the warning signs […]


There is a battle that rages whenever we try to do something great – something significant – something to move us forward – something beyond what seems possible – something noteworthy. When the goal is progress the battle will be with Resistance. The “R” word came to mind today because I’m in the middle of […]

The Secret to Keep Your Work Working

This week I read a story of a boy who showed some qualities I want to have in my life. The story goes like this:  A boy was leaning against the wall outside a barber shop. He dialled his phone and began speaking to a lady on the other end. The barber was listening in. […]

14 Roots and Principles to Live By

Victor Hugo once said, “Change your opinions, keep to your principles; change your leaves, keep intact your roots.” Living by principles instead of running around looking for the perfect methods gets you where you want to go. When the helicopter carried us away to Royal Columbian Hospital, my principles were firmly in place. As I […]

Surgery is a Team Sport

Last week I received news of the strong likelihood of another surgery – surgery number nine. What I thought would be day surgery to release my knee so it will bend past 90 degrees was inaccurate. The release my surgeon will perform is a complicated procedure involving re-entry into my rebuilt leg and pulling apart […]

Lessons from the Dog Park

While out riding my scooter yesterday, I drove past a new dog park our city built. It has become an instant hit with dogs and dog owners of our city. The number of dogs and dog owners was the highest I’ve ever seen it but what really caught my attention was the ruckus going on […]