What Einstein Can Teach us About Life
A young neighbor was talking to Albert Einstein at a dinner party. Not knowing him she asked, “What is it exactly that you do as a profession?”
Einstein looked at her and said, “I’ve devoted myself to the study of physics.” She was a little shocked and replied, “You are still studying physics at your age? I finished my studies a year ago!”

The cellist Pablo Casals at age 95 was asked by a young reporter, “At 95, the world considers you to be the greatest cellist but at your age you still practice six hours a day. Why?”
“Because I think I’m making progress,” came Pablo’s response.
Who do you relate to?
Einstein? Pablo Casals? The neighbor?
I definitely relate to the idea of being committed to life-long learning. It keeps life interesting and opens doors to new opportunity when the going gets tough.
Let me inspire you to be a life-long learner – if you aren’t already. It’s well worth the pursuit!
What are you learning today that you didn’t know yesterday? What area of study excites you? Where in your personal life do you want to see growth and expand your horizons?
I’ve decided to take a deeper dive into the area of learning to listen. I want to connect more deeply with people and do my part to develop a larger pool of better listeners. I’m realizing how powerful listening really is in and the difference it can make in life.
What does it take to be a life-long Learner?
You don’t have to “go to school” to learn. You can learn from people, books, conversations, stories, asking questions, listening from the heart, being curious, and adopting a “I’m still making progress” mindset.
In the words of the late Nelson Mandela who was a life-long learner throughout his whole life:
“Education is the great engine of personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that the son of a mine worker can become the head of the mine, that a child of farm workers can become the president of a great nation. It is what we make out of what we have, not what we are given, that separates one person from another.”
What do you want to learn more about?
Where will you look and who will help you to expand your understanding and growth in that area?
Check out the article – What Nelson Mandela Can Teach About Education
About Cam Taylor
Coach, author, speaker, father, friend, leader, life long learner.
As an always curious person and retired librarian, I can’t imagine ever putting an end to learning. You give encouragement for keeping life interesting.
Thanks Darlene – I totally agree and like your phrase “I can’t imagine ever putting an end to learning.”