Cam Taylor

Be inspired. Be focused. Be tenacious.

The Power of a Little Kindness

During the Holocaust, the Nazis kept the Jews underfed and malnourished to minimize retaliation.

One of the child prisoners was on the brink of starvation when a Nazi soldier snuck him a rotten potato to eat. The 9-year old boy credits the soldier’s kind gesture as critical to how he survived to prison camp.

When the boy grew up, he told his son Daniel about the Nazi soldier’s life-saving deed and the overall importance of kindness. That story made a profound impact on Daniel, so much so that he made it his life’s work to immortalize his father’s experience and spread the message of kindness.

Daniel Lubetzky went on to create an energy bar in 2004 that became the fastest-growing snack brand in the U.S.

You’ve probably heard of them and maybe even eaten one—they’re called KIND bars.

How has kindness impacted your life?
How can you spread some kindness today?
(it may be critical to someone’s survival)

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About Cam Taylor

Coach, author, speaker, father, friend, leader, life long learner.

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