Cam Taylor

Be inspired. Be focused. Be tenacious.

One Sobering Lesson Learned from the Loon

Loons mate for life and usually make their home on northern lakes.* What is also true — a small lake will support only one family of loons. If a loon family sense another couple has moved in, they will probably leave and look for months for a new lake to call home.

If you’ve ever heard the haunting call of the loon, you never forget it. If you take a recorded loon call and play it across the lake where a loon couple lives, you will hear them call back instantly. They are staking out their territory. But if you keep playing the recording, the loons will make a terrible mistake.

They will conclude that another loon couple are there to stay, and they will leave.

False evidence appearing real [F.E.A.R.].

It’s not only loons who have this problem. We (I) hear noises that threaten our safety and assume they are real. And instead of holding our ground and letting the haunting call pass, we bail. We move in the opposite direction and run to what we think is safety.

The problem is, that was our lake. That was our calling. That was our territory where we were to make a difference.

False evidence appearing real says…

  • What if this won’t work?
  • What if I fail?
  • What if my idea is rejected?
  • What if I mess up?
  • What if my love isn’t returned?
  • What if my business fails?
  • What if my writing isn’t read?
  • What if things don’t work out as I said they would?”

When you fail to take a risk, refuse to speak up, stop pressing on, avoid the crucial conversation, hide your talent, say no to giving a speech, stand paralyzed when given the chance to make a new friendship, keep saying yes to your kids when they really need a no, stop believing the future will get better — you exit the lake that is your home and leave it in the hands of a phantom voice.

Now that would be a crying shame!

Instead, when you hear the fake call of the loon, stand your ground and say, “I will stay. I will love. I will lean into my suffering. I will not give in. I will keep pressing on. I hear you but I’m not giving you power to force me off my lake.

The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore. — Vincent Van Gogh

What does the fake loon call represent in your life?

*The source of this inspiration was from Seth Godin’s book, “What’s To Do When It’s Your Turn.”

About Cam Taylor

Coach, author, speaker, father, friend, leader, life long learner.

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