Cam Taylor

Be inspired. Be focused. Be tenacious.

Two More Keys to Emotional Health After a Loss

Detour is a wealth of information on emotional processing. It gave me lots to digest and consider as I think about, what I would call, my small detours. I have faced many of my own issues positively but found the themes of forgiveness and brokenness especially helpful. Thanks Cam for sharing your work, wisdom, and your […]

Learn to Tell Time When Life is Out of Control

Check out my new book, Detour: A Roadmap For When Life Gets Rerouted! It’s packed full of practical help and inspiration to help you survive and thrive the storms of life. One reality you run into when faced with traumatic events and adversity, is the loss of control. For those (like me) with control issues, […]

7 Essential Qualities for Climbing Life’s Mountains

Inspiration sometimes comes in small packages. That is certainly true when I think of the impact of Alison Levine. At 5’ 4”, she is much larger than her physical size. As a mountaineer and polar explorer, Alison Levine stands head and shoulders above the crowd. She is tireless in her curiosity and willingness to navigate unthinkable […]

10 Quotes to Increase Resiliency

What exactly is resiliency? The dictionary defines resiliency as: The power or ability to return to the original form, position…after being bent, compressed, or stretched; elasticity. Ability to recover readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like; buoyancy.* I believe that resiliency is the ability to return to the original form but it’s more. It’s also […]

10 Essential Traits Needed to Survive Adversity

There is an essential quality you need if you plan on surviving trauma, set-backs, and the storms that come in life. It’s not just what I believe, it’s backed up by research. The quality I’m talking about is resilience. What is resilience? The dictionary defines it as… “The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness…the […]

5 Reasons Why the World Needs Dreamers

Not every one is a dreamer — and that’s OK. Dreamers need people to help them implement their dream. But this post is for those of you with a dream left inside of you. I’m in that category and need to remind myself that I have a dream that needs to be realized in spite […]

What 1,800 Miles Taught One Man About True Happiness

Life is a journey, not a destination. — Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson’s quote in theory sounds so solid. In practice, however, making life about the journey is hard, especially for people who enjoy setting and reaching goals and getting things done! Thankfully, there are people who can inspire us to help keep us on track. […]

The Power of a Made-up Mind

He who cherishes a beautiful vision, a lofty ideal in his heart, will one day realize it. — James Allen To achieve a worthwhile dream, there is an essential element needed — a “made-up mind.” In other words, there is power in a made-up mind! One should never underestimate what can happen when we make […]

Learning to Live with Some Tension

Wouldn’t it be nice if there were easy solutions to life’s complex problems? Unfortunately, we live in a world where that is usually not possible. In the book The Road to Character, there’s a comparison between the message of President Eisenhower and President J.F. Kennedy. Eisenhower lived and taught that we need to learn how to […]

Crooked Timber

“Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was ever made.” — Immanuel Kant This week, I started reading a book a colleague of mine recommended called, “The Road to Character” by David Brooks. It’s a thoughtful look at what the road to character looks like. The idea of being “crooked timber” has […]