Cam Taylor

Be inspired. Be focused. Be tenacious.

The Mountain Man Who Didn’t Quit

To have a dream and a plan to achieve it is not enough. You also need the effort to accomplish that dream.

What idea, dream or pursuit are you trying to bring to fruition? Raising a child? Nurturing a business to viability? Developing a talent? Writing a book? Building a healthy relationship? Regaining strength after an injury?

Regardless of what you’re building, growing, developing, or creating — you may find it taking far more time to complete than you ever imagined. Will you press on regardless? Dashrath did.

The Mountain Man did not give up

In 1959, Dashrath Manjhi’s wife, Falguni Devi, died from lack of medical care. To honor her life, Dashrath Manjhi decided to do something about the problem his village faced of being so far away from medical care. His solution was to carve a path in the Gehlour hills so he and his village could walk one kilometer to the village hospital, not 70 kilometers.


Using a hammer and chisel, Dashrath Manjhi began his journey through the mountain in 1960. He worked day and night to make life better for the people of his village. Then the day finally came when the 360 foot corridor was carved through the mountain and the pathway complete. Because of this achievement, Dashrath became known as the Mountain Man.

It only took him 22 years to complete.

How long is it taking you?

Was the Mountain Man questioned while he worked? Most likely. He probably heard words like, “Dashrath, it’s not worth it. It’s OK, we’ll just walk around. It’s impossible what you’re attempting to do.” Fortunately for his neighbors, he didn’t listen, but pressed on day and night until the job was done.

What worthwhile goal or dream are you working on that might take longer than you thought it would? Assuming you have the raw materials (talent, capacity, know how, resources) to achieve the goal, all that’s missing is the necessary sweat to complete the task.

Two mountains I’ve been chiseling through

There are two mountains I’ve been chiseling through. One is in my work with leaders and organizations as I connect with those whose challenges I can help them solve. The mountain is there partially because I was off the grid for three years recovering but now I have my chisel and hammer in hand and I’m finding a way through.

The other area I’m chiseling through is learning a new sport — mountain biking. Like all sports, this one has many different levels. I’m what could be called a novice but I’m not content to stay there. I want to grow into this sport and not be last in line when I go out with my friends and neighbors to climb and descent the trails. I’m chiseling my way to a higher level!

In both arenas, I could throw in the towel and settle for walking around the mountain. “Just go get a job. Stay on the dike trail. Don’t stretch yourself.” The problem is, I see a better way. I see that my work matters. I want to be on the mountain experiencing the beauty you can’t see when going around.

What mountain do you need to chisel your way through?
Who can help you?

About Cam Taylor

Coach, author, speaker, father, friend, leader, life long learner.

5 Replies

  1. Brian Vos

    Your posts are amazing. “Not content to stay there”,”not be last in line”. My experience playing racquetball all those years ago showed proved that to me. Its no doubt you can move mountains, I have nightmares of your elbows moving me.
    Not only are you busting the trail but carrying guys like me. I can’t keep up yet you still have time to show me the way. Love your posts Cam. You’re a heck of a motivator. Not a bad friend either. Brian

    1. Thanks Brian – now that’s a blast from the past (the racket ball reminder 🙂 ) – so glad you are busting your trail as well & been persevering in your journey. I need an update on your new venture soon!

  2. Great post. You have the Grit to accomplish this!

    1. Thanks Keith – your encouragement fuels hope & is received with gratitude.

  3. Amazing blog Cam. Finding enough motivation to put in a lot of effort and hard work in my studies has suddenly become a mountain. A mountain i need to chisel down. Your blogs are motivating, thank you. With my hammer and chisel in hand, i am now ready to push on. Vusi from South Africa

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