Cam Taylor

Be inspired. Be focused. Be tenacious.

Day 1020

What’s a day worth to you? And how do you measure the value of a day?

Continuous Passive Motion machine

Continuous Passive Motion machine

Do you measure a day by the contribution you make? By the people whose lives you touch? By the money you make? By the art you create? By the miles you travel? By the books you read? By the blogs you write? By the widgets you build?

How we spend our days is
how we spend our lives.

Anne Dillard

You and I will have a meaningful day if what we do matches the activities and pursuits that are important to us. If we live and act in harmony with our core values, we feel our day was worth living. If we live in violation to what we value and believe in, we feel like our day was wasted or less than memorable.

Today marks day 1020 of this recovery journey. 1020 days ago today, we had our motorcycle accident. It’s hard to believe it’s been that long but the calendar doesn’t lie.

On day 1020, I’m on the front end of recovering from surgery number nine. After a 3 ½ hour surgery to release the quad muscles from their “stuck” position and a knee stalled at 85 degrees of bend (just 19 days ago), I’m full steam ahead in gaining greater flexion in my right knee.

On day 1020, I’m taking pain medicine, house bound and strapped 23 hours per day to a CPM (Continuous Passive Motion) machine to keep my knee bending non-stop. But I’m ok with it.

Three Ways to Measure the Value of a Day

1.      Match expectations to reality (as harsh as it may be)

Those who say life should be neat and tidy don’t live on this planet. Life is messy and pain happens. Recovery is messy. Relationships are tested. Loss and adversity are part of life. To be surprised by pain and suffering will set up unrealistic expectations and greater stress.

I went into surgery number nine, ready for incredible pain and suffering. It ended up better than I expected due to one less surgical procedure than planned. I was very glad when I found that bit of news out. But since I was ready for the worst, I was better prepared for what did come.

The bigger story at play as well was I had people praying for me and cheering me on in many ways. I’ve had incredible support throughout the 1020 days. I’ve fuelled the fire of support by reaching out to people, telling my story and asking for help. It’s come back in the form of strength, encouragement and hopefulness.

Today expect something good to happen to you no matter
what occurred yesterday. Realize the past no longer holds you captive.
It can only continue to hurt you if you hold on to it.
Let the past go. A simply abundant world awaits.
(Sarah Breathnach)

2.     Allow yourself to feel the pain that accompanies adversity

As much as I don’t like it, I accept the fact that pain is part of this repair and recovery process. I can’t avoid it nor do I want to because it is part of this experience we call “life.”

My emotional journey following this most recent surgery has been pretty even keeled. No big highs or lows but rather a “steady eddy” feel to it. But on day 1019, for some reason, tears flowed freely throughout the day. Tears of healing, pent up emotion – I’m not sure. What I do know is they add value to my recovery.

We were promised sufferings. They were part of the program.
We were even told, “Blessed are they that mourn,” and I accept it.
I’ve got nothing that I hadn’t bargained for.
Of course it is different when the thing happens to oneself, not to others,
and in reality, not imagination.
(C.S. Lewis in A Grief Observed).

3.     Act with love and kindness to all you meet

You may be having a miserable day but you’re not the only one. Caring about other people is something you can choose to do no matter what you’re going through.

While back on 4S at Royal Columbian Hospital, I was among familiar faces. Having spent over 7 weeks there makes the place feel pretty familiar – the nurses, doctors, and physiotherapists are like old friends. The investment I’ve made to love, show kindness, and be the best patient I can be is paid off in wonderful care and a connection to a greater purpose.

I also found two men pretty beat up and on the front end of their recovery. I offered some encouragement, perspective, and a listening ear to help them on their recover journey.

Love and kindness is a powerful way to measure the value of your day!

 What makes a day valuable for you?
How can you increase the value of each day?

About Cam Taylor

Coach, author, speaker, father, friend, leader, life long learner.

14 Replies

  1. barlowrw

    spending it with Jesus helps as well.
    Prayers and Peace

    1. Robin, I couldn’t agree more!

    1. Couldn’t do this without you!

  2. Betty

    What an amazing perspective on how you have lived and thrived for 1020 days.

    1. Thanks Betty – it’s so true how perspective can change so much. It’s like the poem that says, “Two men looked out from prison bars, one saw the mud, the other saw stars.” I’m trying to see the stars!

  3. Angie

    You’re doing great Cam, God bless.

    1. Thanks Angie – I look forward to getting back to NH and seeing all my friends again real soon. Won’t be long now.

  4. Gene

    Seeing you often after surgery and at home confirms your walk of faith to me.

    1. Thanks so much for your encouragement – it is a walk (or limp) of faith and I appreciate the support you’ve been to help me walk.

  5. Debbie Cooke

    You are an inspiration Cam to all who have watched you over these past 1020 days. Your Faith and determination are a great example that with God anything is possible!! May God continue to give you strength!!

    1. Thanks Debbie for your kind words and encouragement. I think one of the things that does keep me going is the words and inspiration I receive from others and to know I can help others with what I’ve been learning. All to best to you and your family!

  6. Ron Unruh

    I am glad that you have received outstanding medical attention yet I am sure the lengthy convalescence has been a test as well as a teacher. Thanks for living your faith throughout this ordeal. The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you.

    1. Well said – adversity is both a test & a teacher. I’ve often felt like I’ve been attending TU – Trial University – for more than one semester but am learning to embrace the learning instead of fight the enrolment.

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