Cam Taylor

Be inspired. Be focused. Be tenacious.

Taking the Risk to Blossom

And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight in the bud became greater than the risk it took to blossom (Anais Nin).

flower Buds

Not all risk is created equal. What may appear like a safe decision or action may actually be the greater risk. How do you tell the difference between playing it safe by remaining tight in the bud verses taking a risk that is the better option?

Before we answer that question, let’s look at when playing it safe is the better option than bold risk. 

You should “not” take a risk and blossom…

  • when you need time to heal and recover from a loss or traumatic event.
  • when you need to stabilize after a growth spurt.
  • when you are tired and need to rest (this is different from being lazy).

Assuming these exceptions are not your reality, when is it better to take a risk than to play it safe?  When is it better to keep pressing forward and growing? 

The rest of the time!  

Life is a process of becoming,
a combination of states we have to go through.
Where people fail is that they wish to
elect a state and remain in it.
This is a kind of death
(Anais Nin).

When our motorcycle accident happened just over 20 months ago, I was sent into a tail spin, asked lots of questions and took several weeks to get my bearings.  Eventually however I realized I needed to take some risks and if I didn’t, I would miss a growth opportunity that was knocking at my door.                                                           

Tight in the bud during recovery would have been:

  • Failing to lean into my adversity.
  • Letting my mind go to mush by neglecting to learn and grow.
  • Refusing to reach out to people because of my pain.
  • Letting my feelings call the shots.
  • Giving in to negative thoughts and self-pity.

What has been the payoff during this season has been:

  • New experiences and opportunities
  • New personal insights and discoveries
  • Greater strength of character
  • New friends and deeper friendships
  • Joy and satisfaction from helping others
  • Accomplishment of dreams and goals

What are some of the actions I took that helped me blossom?

  • I turned my “down time” into grow time and signed up for courses that challenged my mind and increased my skill set.
  • I practiced my writing skills on a daily basis and learned to help others through words.
  • I took the pain of recovery just one hour at a time and found a pathway to greater healing and hopefulness.
  • I said yes to letting people help me – care aids, counselors, friends, family, neighbors, teachers, mentors, to name just a few.  

Now what about you?

What does remaining “tight in the bud” look like for you? 
What does it mean for you to take a risk and blossom today?
Now go, take that risk and blossom!

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About Cam Taylor

Coach, author, speaker, father, friend, leader, life long learner.

7 Replies

  1. Shirlene Henning.

    We have seen you blossom,Cam. From the time you came home,till up to now, pushing through the ups and downs, watching the both of you blossom, has and will continue to be a great influence and encouragement in our lives. I wish we had all this info, during our struggles, to take a risk and blossom. God is so good, to have put us where we are now.
    Thanks Cam.

    1. Thanks Shirlene. You also continue to be an example of someone who keeps risking and blossoming so thanks for that. Cam

  2. Cam, once again, great insights. I continue to watch you grow as a writer. Thanks for encouraging the rest of us to press on.

    1. Thanks Keith for the encouraging words and for being a fellow risk taker! All the best in 2013!

  3. Bob Koenig

    This is terrific!

    Thanks Cam. Your influence grows.


    Bob Koenig 337.344.1245 Cell

    Sent from my iPhone

    1. Thanks Bob for your encouragement! It means so much! BTW in 2013 I’m expecting many good things!

  4. Cam, you continue to amaze with your discovery and sharing of great truths. What a marvellous analogy; only by breaking out of the bud do we grow. Thank you for your heart, your wisdom and your inspiring messages.

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