Cam Taylor

Be inspired. Be focused. Be tenacious.

Five Proven Practices to Help You Move Through Grief

Grief is part of the human experience. We can’t avoid it because loss and change are part of life. What is grief? Here are two perspectives. Grief is keen mental suffering or distress over affliction or loss; sharp sorrow; painful regret. — Dictionary Grief is the conflicting feelings caused by the end of or change […]

One Key Factor When Facing Difficult Circumstances

What difficult circumstances are you facing? I had some difficult circumstances just yesterday. I ended up spending six hours in Emergency due to some chest pains. I was told it’s always a good idea to get chest pains checked out by a doctor not just google, so I did. The good news is, I’m fine […]

Learn to Tell Time When Life is Out of Control

Check out my new book, Detour: A Roadmap For When Life Gets Rerouted! It’s packed full of practical help and inspiration to help you survive and thrive the storms of life. One reality you run into when faced with traumatic events and adversity, is the loss of control. For those (like me) with control issues, […]

Viktor Frankl’s Keys to Happiness

“Happiness cannot be pursued; it must ensue.”* If you go looking for happiness you won’t find it. It’s a by product of the pursuit of something else. Viktor Frankl taught and more importantly lived, in a way that personified the ability to find meaning in life when faced with unimaginable suffering. There were three principles […]

Mining the Gap

There’s a gift we give ourselves and those around us when facing stress, problems or disagreement. The gift is called the gap. The gap is a space created – a moment in time – carved out on the heels of an event that causes a disturbance. If we simply react without thinking to the disturbance, often harm […]

Five Actions to Deal With “If Only”

If “ifs” and “buts” were candy and nuts, we’d all have a Merry Christmas. — Don Meredith If “ifs” and “buts” were pots and pans, there’d surely be dishes to do. Wishing for something in our past to change won’t make one bit of difference. I’m not talking about grieving our losses – there is […]

The Secret of Oaks and Diamonds

Do you ever wonder if your life is making a difference? Are you busy waiting for something that hasn’t yet come? Are you in a stormy season that keeps you from “feeling” productive and useful? These questions, for me, have been answered many times with a “yes.” To be honest, I’m unwilling to settle for […]

How to Fan Compassion’s Flame

While out riding my mountain bike this week (an exciting new hobby I was cleared to pursue!), I ran into an old friend I got to know while riding my scooter around the neighborhood over the past 3 years. He also rides a scooter. My friend deals on a daily basis with advanced Parkinson’s but […]


You can’t exist as a human being in isolation  Desmond Tutu We in the west have a lot to learn from our African brothers and sisters. One of the strengths of their culture is the value they place on community. In the west, we sometimes put the good of the individual over what’s best for […]

Dancing With Care and Cure

Staying hopeful when met with recurring pain and struggle is a challenging task. Several factors are necessary to stay hopeful when circumstances are less than ideal. Two of those factors are the importance of being cared while at the same time, receiving the proper cure. A healthy relationship between care and cure is critical if […]