Cam Taylor

Be inspired. Be focused. Be tenacious.

Life Lessons Learned from Michelangelo’s Grit

Michelangelo did something worth imitating. In 1507, Michelangelo was commissioned by Pope Julius II to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. It was an honor to be asked, but he didn’t jump into the project without stepping back first. He labored for months over hundreds of sketches, analyzing multitudes of colors and themes, before […]

One Key Factor to Keep Your Attitude Pointing Upward

One of the gauges on an airplane is the attitude indicator. It measures the direction of the ground compared to the nose of the airplane. If the nose is pointed towards the ground, it’s a bad attitude — if the nose is pointed to the sky, it’s a good attitude. What is true for the pilot […]

Where Would You Rather Be?

Check out my new book, Detour: A Roadmap For When Life Gets Rerouted, which came out last week! It’s packed full of practical help and inspiration to help you survive and thrive the storms of life. A hitchhiker’s sign read: “Anywhere but here!” When I saw it, I couldn’t help but wonder, “What are they trying […]

10 Quotes to Increase Resiliency

What exactly is resiliency? The dictionary defines resiliency as: The power or ability to return to the original form, position…after being bent, compressed, or stretched; elasticity. Ability to recover readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like; buoyancy.* I believe that resiliency is the ability to return to the original form but it’s more. It’s also […]

Kids Tell What Love Is

Love is one of those words that means different things to different people. One of the places I look for inspiration on how to think simply about love is to listen to what children have to say. The following statements on what love is come from children age 4-8 and create a spring board to help […]

10 Quotes to Inspire Your Purpose in 2017

Welcome to 2017! The year ahead will look different to all of us. For some of you, it’s a continuation of 2016 with very little change. For others, it looks more like a blank sheet of paper that invites a new story to be written on it. I’m convinced that regardless of what you face in 2017, living with purpose will […]

10 Inspiring Quotes to Fuel Your Joy

One of the words of Christmas that is often misunderstood is JOY. These quotes will remind you of what joy really is and take you below the surface so you can see joy existing regardless of the circumstances. Which quote do you find most engaging for where you’re at this Christmas? Leave a comment.

32 Quotes to Inspire Focused Living

When you focus, you direct your attention and energy in one direction. It’s often the difference between mediocrity and excellence, starting and finishing, wishing and doing. A few months ago I came across an acronym for f.o.c.u.s. I found very helpful. It goes like this: FOCUS – Find One Course Until Successful There are so […]

12 Ways to Wake up Motivation Every Morning

What gets you up and moving in the morning? What motivates you to engage and live on purpose especially when the pressure is on you to slow down to a crawl? Just like we need food and water to feed the body — we need motivation to feed the mind and heart. No matter what […]

5 Reasons Why the World Needs Dreamers

Not every one is a dreamer — and that’s OK. Dreamers need people to help them implement their dream. But this post is for those of you with a dream left inside of you. I’m in that category and need to remind myself that I have a dream that needs to be realized in spite […]