Cam Taylor

Be inspired. Be focused. Be tenacious.

One Game Changer You Can Do While Waiting

What are you waiting for? A situation or person to change? A transition to end? A recovery to be over? Your grieving journey to arrive at acceptance? My guess is you’re waiting for something! That’s why I created this short video to help you find a way to be with your waiting.  Before you watch […]

Three Secrets on How to Turn Intentions into Reality

Statistics say, of those who make resolutions and New Year’s goals, only 8% reach them. You might be saying, “Why bother even setting goals since the chances of reaching them are so abysmal.” Good question. What’s the problem? The problem, in my experience and opinion, is that people see an area they want to change […]

Crooked Timber

“Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was ever made.” — Immanuel Kant This week, I started reading a book a colleague of mine recommended called, “The Road to Character” by David Brooks. It’s a thoughtful look at what the road to character looks like. The idea of being “crooked timber” has […]

Change Quotes to Fuel Your Growth II

In order to stay fresh and relevant, embracing change is essential. This week I facilitated a team development workshop for a large team of people who provide various services and programs to the immigrants in our city. To do this, however, I had to embrace change so I could deliver on the promise to make […]

Change Quotes to Fuel Your Growth I

If change is my idea, I’m all over it but if change is forced on me by someone else, I resist it like there’s no tomorrow. The truth is — change is the pathway to growth. As you consider the changes you’ve made, are currently making, or would like to make, let these thoughts inspire […]

Discipline – GIYC part 5

Discipline is discipline is discipline is discipline!!! If you have discipline in sports, you’re well on your way to winning games, and if you have discipline in your life, you’re well on your way to success. In sports and in life, discipline can’t be an occasional thing — it has to be an all-the-time thing. […]

The Mindset You Can’t Live Without

One of the supporting walls needed when rebuilding your life after a major setback, injury, or reversal is a proper mindset. The right mindset makes the journey back promising – the wrong mindset, makes the journey back dreadful. “You are what you are and where you are because of what has gone into your mind. […]

No More Coffins

The future you see dictates the actions you take. The movie, The Best of Men, is the true story of German-Jewish neurologist Ludwig Guttmann and his work as the director of the Spinal Injuries Centre at Stoke Mandeville Hospital. He immigrated to England in 1944 and brought with him a whole new way of seeing […]

Five Keys to Next Step Living

Feeling overwhelmed by the road ahead? Facing a challenge that is paralyzing your hopefulness and causing you to freeze into inactivity? You’re not alone – and there is hope! It’s called focusing on the next step of getting where you want to go. If you want to achieve your goal, don’t focus on how far […]

Chasing Yesterday

Have you ever tried to recreate yesterday? Long for what you had or almost had? Obsessing over yesterday can mess up your life. I know this from experience. The question I’m asking is, “How should you think about yesterday so you can be fully alive today?” The answer lies in the application to these words: […]