Cam Taylor

Be inspired. Be focused. Be tenacious.

Lessons Learned from the Persistent Peasant

There is an old story about a king whose people had grown soft and entitled. Dissatisfied with this state of affairs, he wanted to teach them a lesson.   The plan he devised was simple: He placed a large boulder in the middle of the main road that completely blocked entrance into the city. He then […]

Lessons on Stillness Learned from Max

This morning I went for a walk with Max. I left my phone at home and decided to pace my walk to the pace that our dog Max went. Max noticed everything and took his sweet time getting to where he was going — which in him mind, he has no idea where he’s going. […]

Three Handles to Grab Onto When Looking for Joy

Sometimes I feel like my circumstances leave me with the same mood one monk had that I read about. Here is that story. Every ten years, the monks in this one monastery were allowed to break their vow of silence and speak only two words. The first 10 years went by for one monk who […]

Let Evening Come

While attending a Celebration of Life service this week, I heard a poem that I thought was worth sharing.  As you read the poem (maybe even two or three times), let yourself get in touch with that part of you where you’ve been touched by loss and an ending.  Maybe you’ve said goodbye to a […]

8 Inspiring Quotes to Stimulate Action & Build Confidence

Have you ever had those days when it feels like you’re spinning your wheels and going no where? I certain do. You start out strong, but your intentions don’t translate into completion or movement. One of the ways I deal with the reality of being stuck is to feed my mind the thoughts I need […]

Inspiring Quotes on Hope

Hope is the fuel that gives energy to life and carries you into the future with optimism. It also is a pathway for getting to your future. Here are a few quotes to fuel your life. The natural flights of the human mind are not from pleasure to pleasure, but from hope to hope. – […]

Seven Ideas to Merge Dreams and Deeds into One

Too often, my dreams and my deeds are two,  That create a disconnect and an inner feud.  I go looking for relief from the weight of things undone,  And find a pathway where dreams and deeds are one.* After I wrote my last post, “Hold Fast to Your Dreams,” I realized there’s more that needs to be said and done. […]

Hold Fast to Your Dreams

Hold fast to dreamsFor if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly.  Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow. — Langston Hughes, 1902—1967 Life has a way of wearing us down and keeping us so distracted that our dreams get left behind and unfulfilled. What do you want to […]

The Power to Choose Changes Everything

Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it.” — Groucho Marx  […]

Refuse to Give Up

Every day we need messages that encourage us to press on and live with grit. Storms blow. Life gets hard. Craziness happens. We say yes too many times and the result in stress and overwhelm. When I read what you’re about to read, it reminded me of who I am. The author, Jon Gordon, penned […]